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Giorgi Janjgava

Date and Place Of Birth

July 24, 1965, Tbilisi, Georgia

Professional EXPERIENCE

2018 – Present - Ambassador of Georgia to the Republic of Turkey - (Ankara, Turkey), Accredited to the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Sudan, the People’s Republic of Algeria, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

2014 – 2018 - Ambassador of Georgia to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain, Sultanate of Oman, and the Republic of Yemen. Representative of Georgia to the Organization of Islamic Corporation (OIC) - (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia).

2013 – 2014 - Charge d’Affaires of Georgia to Ireland - (Dublin, Ireland)

2009 – 2013 - Ambassador of Georgia to the Islamic Republic of Iran - (Tehran, Iran) accredited to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

2006 – 2009 - Ambassador of Georgia to the Arabic Republic of Egypt - (Cairo, Egypt) Accredited to the Syrian Arab Republic)

2004 – 2005 - Research Fellow, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies - (Tbilisi, Georgia)

1994 – 2004 - Consul-General of Georgia to the Republic of Turkey - (Trabzon, Turkey)

1993 – 1994 - Head of the State Protocol to the President of Georgia

1992 – 1993 - State Adviser on Foreign Relations, State Council of Georgia

1990 - Visiting Researcher at School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) - University of London, UK.

1989 – 1992 - Research Fellow/Lecturer Department of Economic and Social Geography, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Tbilisi State University / Post-Graduate Researcher Department of Economic and Social Geography, Tbilisi State University, Georgia


1982 – 1988 - Diploma with Honors in Economic and Social Geography Department of Economic and Social Geography Faculty of Geography and Geology, Tbilisi State University, Georgia.

1986 – 1987 - Pre-Diploma Studies, Cairo University, Arabic Republic of Egypt


Author of two books and more than 30 research articles and publications


Order of Apostle Mark the Evangelist (2009)


From 2007 – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
From 1994 – Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary